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How to think infinitely: Creating perspective

Our mind is powerful. What we think is what we believe. If we think that we are going to be great, our day and our lives, then so be it. It will happen. To think positively is everything. It sets up the tone of your day. Many people has mantras, "Today is going to be a great day". They say it over and over until they believe it to be and so it happens. It's like a work of magic. Every single day when we wake up, we are allowed to choose whatever personal perspective we are in: May it be for fortune, good health, wealth or honor or to be of service to many. It is completely up to us. Make sure that you only think of specific things that are positive and powerful. Things like I'm going to get that promotion, I'm going to start my own business, I and my family are perfectly healthy. This is called positive affirmations. Positive thoughts equals positive action. If we start to think gorgeously then we can execute gorgeous things as well. For instance, at work, we are tasked to do a presentation, we plan ahead, we think positively, we recite our affirmations that it's going to be very good then surely it will. In business, we hit a special milestone, we then celebrate and continually expect more to come. It's all in the power of the mind, our conditioning. It is also present in our conversations, so make sure that you only engage in meaningful ones--the type of conversations that is well-thought, organized and has morals. One example is listening to podcasts which is very valuable. Few that I know that are good are the Tim Ferriss Show, Oprah's supersoul conversations and TED. Our mind is everything. Take care of it by thinking positively and be mindful.  

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