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On Relationships: How to be an Interesting Partner

Relationships makes our lives fuller and better. Sharing something to enrich someone else's life is fulfilling. It allows you to know more about your inner self as well as your chosen person. It's true that it is hard now to find someone to share your life with. From tons of dating apps to fast-dating available on hand, it is just not enough to be with the person whom you want to share forever with. However, there's a lot of ways to be a good partner, here are few: 1. Be a good listener: Nothing is more interesting when a person listens to every detail of what you say. It's like you're being given a full attention and being well taken care of, being seen and connected with. Being a good listener allows you to be a caring person, more intimate and a person who knows how to make someone a priority. It's a total turn-on. 2. Take care of yourself: When a person takes care of himself/herself that only means that, that person can take care of you. Being there for somebody requires a person to function at his/her highest level. You must get enough rest and sleep, eat healthy foods and exercise. Because the more you take care of yourself, the more you can share to that special someone anything you want as well as the more you can be there for your loved-ones. 3. Be authentic: Nothing beats being real. It's like going on a debate and you're up against a person who has a good standpoint. He/she really knows what he is saying. And because of that he won. The same with being real in a relationship, if we are true to ourselves, we just naturally attracts the person that we desire and eventually deserve. 4. Be spontaneous: Being a person like this, can get you to a lot of places with just having a good conversation. Being fluid enough, having a good speaking skills and confident are just a few tricks but what matters the most is the quality of impact that you have contributed to that person's life, be more appealing and appreciative of the other person, it's extremely likeable. 5. Be yourself: This is very important to any relationship. It's like saying 'no' as much as we can. It's being true to ourselves. In our minds and our hearts. Being interesting in a relationship is just a bonus. The more we become real and our highest selves with our partner, contributes to their overall well-being and ultimately, both your destiny.

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