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How to Stay Motivated even if you don't feel like doing it: On Willpower

Have you had an encounter where you lack the will to move on? You were so lazy to do a task. You want to sleep all day. Rest if you must but never lose the enthusiasm to get things done.

One technique that we can do is to journal. Write down the goals that you have in mind. Be specific and bullet it. Writing your goals have better chances of making it to reality.

Put it out in public. Tell it to your friends or colleagues. Goals are stronger to happen if you put it out there and let the universe do its work to make it happen. You will be surprised in the end why it become faster to manifest and it because you let everyone know your goals and it has to be done no matter what.

Have an accountability partner. A buddy will get you engaged all throughout your desired goals. They will check on your status evey single progress, in this way you will keep track of your improvement. Thus, higher chances for it to come true.

Better yourself. Read a book and listen to a compelling podcast. This will get you hooked to your goals. Self-improvement is everything. When we enrich ourselves, we improve our results. Learning something new everyday gets you even more motivated. And these are tools that we have to maximize to reach our highest potential.

Move. Getting your blood running improves mind circulation. Make time to exercise and train your body to move actively. A healthy body is a magnet of positivity, attracting the people, events and opportunities congruent to your goals.

Motivation must come from within. Its hard to move things in a different perspective every single day. But in the end it will make us an inch closer to our goals, thus an inch closer too to our dreams. Go ahead and get an inch closer to what you want. 

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