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How to Shift Perspective: Looking on the Brighter Side

It is easy to get swayed with all the negativity in this world, we are all caught up by our commitments, errands and work. In this era where technology seems to drain us all, it is refreshing to be able to change your point of view and drink all the positvity that you can get. It is amazing how our mind works. Its two things, its either your thinking negatively or positively. How to determine if you are in a place of thinking negatively? You feel scared, down, lonely, confused or angry. While if you are thinking positively, you feel free, grateful, contented, generous and happy. There's a lot of things that we can do to stay on the positive side. Here are a few: Happy thoughts. Pick a particular event in your childhood, may it be a birthday, or a celebration with your family where all you can feel was being cherished and important and all memories make you smile and you'll realize in the end, and until now you've got a very supportive family. Be Present. Stay on the current moment all the time. When you eat, eat slowly, savor your food. When you take a bath, don't think of anything else but just clean yourself up and enjoy the flow of shower on your face and body. When you are with someone, be present by listening attentively, make them feel they're special to you. In this way, we are living in the moment not victimized by the past or the worries of the future. Higher Self. When you are faced with a situation where you have to decide for the best, attack it from a place of being the best version of you. Take action where you are empowered, loved and blessed. Yes, bad things may happen but you can always be your best self. Think of what will your best self will say, think and act. And you will instantly shift your own train of thoughts and may even change your life. Gratitude. When you feel grateful, you cannot think of anything bad or negative at all. When you are thankful, all the small details in your life that is wonderful magnifies. This way of thinking is a game-changer. You can say and go: I'm thankful for the life that I have, the job that I have, the business that I have, the relationship I'm in, the blessings that you have are limitless and always speak to existence to make your life worth living. Cherish your Relationships. Make your life easy and worthwhile by building and making your relationships stronger. Be with your friends on a vacation, surprise your special someone with a weekend date or a special written message. Nourish the people that you have. Speak to them like you speak to your self. Speak to them very positively. And see how they respond to you. We are all attracting the people that we want, so if you're positive, the tendency is to associate with people who are the same as you. Keep going. In the end, it is not all the time that we can be positive. And there will be always setbacks but a few tricks can make you your own bestfriend. Train your mind to see things in a different way. And see how much your life will change, a very positive way. 

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