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A Radical Approach to Life: On being Resilient

Sure there are days that seems are a part of our very bad days and for sure as well that there are days that literally and metaphorically are one of best's--lets concentrate more on that.  

A bamboo just sways with wind, it does not topple down. We may want to be like that. I think even it encounters the storm, it will just go with flow. It is serene, strong on the outside yet totally soft and vulnerable on the inside. We go through the motions of life and when we bump to hard rocks or obstacles, we tend to react to it like it will really eat us alive. When what we can do is address it head on, be confident, stand up for it without getting yourself be defeated at least. While most of us tend to fight it outwardly, we also have the same battle inside. So, there are a lot of ways that we can do: Journal it. Brain dump it--like free-write anything. Jot down your emotions and feelings. For instance, maybe you lost a loved one. Ink everything down and be surprised of how good it feels when you are letting it all out. Yes, you may cry in the process but you'll know in the end that is a good cry. It is like saving yourself from all the miseries that may come. All because you know you have done it for yourself. Meditate. This is the practice of being still. It is being conscious of how you breathe in and out. I personally recommend a few Apps like Calm and Headspace. These are tools that can tend to anxieties, loneliness and stress. Or just do this for the sole purpose of just relaxing and sleeping at night with perfect ease and maximum comfort. If you have read most of my blogs-- I have had incorporated meditation in my posts. Get a Support System. Family and friends are the best shock absorbers. They sure will listen to you and sure will also understand your deepest sentiments. Nothing beats a warm hug from them and sitting down with a hot tea or coffee. It is totally heart-warming. Or maybe just have dinner with them--that will do the trick. And it doesn't cost anything. Give back. Take time to volunteer for a cause. The more you give and share what you have-- maybe monetary or just your time, it really helps a lot. It fills your cup of gratitude. There are a lot of things that can go out of our own hands but if we can learn how to sway with the winds of it, we are able to handle things as well react to it with grace and a thought that we did just enough because we are.  

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